Lino Prints

I took a short Lino printing course and this is the result! It’s a really fun medium, but it takes a lot of patience. After you draw out your design on the Lino, you have special tools to carve the shape – they’re very sharp! Then it’s just a matter of rolling out ink, printing and pressing on to different materials.

Flowers and Ferns

I love painting flowers and ferns, their shapes and colours are just so appealing. These paintings aren’t perfect, but I like them anyway.

Nature in Watercolour

I’m always inspired by nature. The beautiful colours and feelings it evokes. I’m never more relaxed and happy than when I’m at the beach or surrounded by greenery.

Succulents in Watercolour

With every painting I see some improvement, which is very rewarding! I’m learning how to make watercolours appear with more depth using light and shadow – though with a limited colour palette in my travel painting kit it’s a bit of a challenge!

Here’s some succulents I painted for a friend in England. I love painting plants 🙂

Succulents, London